Mollie Makes Wall Hanging Loom Kit

Woven wall hangings. You can’t turn a corner these days without seeing one in a crafty magazine or blog, and every time I see one I get a little kick out of it. You see, back in the 90’s at the height of the heyday of fabulous floral bedding and matching curtains, I too had a woven wall hanging in my room.


Look! Its a woven wall hanging!


No, neither of those is me. Yes, that fabulous room is mine. And that wall hanging? Made by none other than my grandmother.

Naturally, when I got Issue 58 of Mollie Makes I was amused that the free kit was a loom kit! I immediately thought of my old wall hanging and my grandmother’s many talents.


wp-1454724814818.jpgThe kit came with a mini loom and shuttle, string, yarn, a needle, and a dowel (although I think mine didn’t come with the dowel….I had to use the shuttle instead. It occurred to me a yellow #2 pencil would’ve looked cute too…if I had one.)

You guys, weaving isn’t easy….I mean, once you get into a rhythm its quite soothing. But the setup? I found it confusing. The instructions and photos weren’t 100% helpful with some parts. And I never thought of my fingers as fat….but with this mini loom I felt like a giant trying to be dainty.

So please don’t ask to look at the back of my wall hanging. Its not pretty.

Throughout first half I was trying to recreate the wall hanging from the magazine photographs, but when I realized I had free rein it was fun trying to figure out what I can do through trial and error. Towards the end I was excited, knowing I could reuse my loom with new yarns and make as many wall hangings as I like! (I can just picture me “wallpapering” my walls with little mini hangings…)


And there is my finished product! I’m embarrassingly proud of it.

Someone told me that my wall hanging looked a bit like a dress. I think they might be right….so here it is being modeled by a doll!


Have you ever tried loom weaving?

5 thoughts on “Mollie Makes Wall Hanging Loom Kit

    • Sabrina Clementine says:

      Its really soothing once you get it started. I’m looking forward to buying more string to make another one! Plus you can get really creative with using different fibers in varying thicknesses. There are endless possibilities.

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